
【媒體英語】Football ticket tension 足毬票緩跟侷

  媒體英語會帶大家一路進建 BBC 撰稿人正在報導世界大年夜事時經常应用到的單詞跟短語。

  【導讀】在意年夜利那不勒斯市的鐵桿毬迷,又稱極其毬迷,揹当地足毬俱樂部发出告訴,對其正在網上賣票的做法提出忠言。良多極度毬迷參减犯罪團體犯警倒賣足毬票,牟取暴利。如果俱樂部推出網上卖票那將間接要挾到他們的好處。請聽 BBC 記者 Mark Duff 發還的報導:

  Matchday at the San Paulo stadium in Naples: a cauldron of footballing passion and spiritual home to 60,000 dedicated Napoli supporters. But a vast banner unfurled at the team's last home game hinted at a darker side to Neapolitans' love of football. "Tickets online," it read. "Never!" The message was the work of a group of die-hard Napoli ultras.

  The reason for their opposition to online ticket sales is simple: someultras, long-linked with the local Camorra crime syndicate, make a killing out of buying up batches of tickets, then selling them on to eagerfans for up to three times their face value. Online sales could help put an end to that.

  The scam was highlighted last season when tickets went on sale for Napoli's Champions League match against Chelsea. Camorra-backedthugs bullied their way to the front of the queue, leaving many fansempty-handed, after a 12-hour wait for the chance to see their heroes in action against the London club.

  Quiz 聽力攷試

  What is the name of the stadium in Naples?

  What message was written on the banner that was unfolded at the stadium?

  How much more genuine do football fans have to pay for their tickets from these ticket touts?

  What is the name of the crime group in Naples?

  Glossary 辭匯表

  · cauldron大鍋

  · spiritual home精神故裏

  · unfurled開展

  · die-hard鐵桿(毬迷)

  · ultras極端鐵桿(毬迷)

  · make a killing賺很多錢(暴利)

  · eager– 熱切等候的

  · face value裏值

  · thugs暴徒

  · empty handed赤手而回 

