


  Achieving work life balance is the ultimate question for workingmoms,中英文翻譯. It's not easy, but it's worth it to try to find work lifebalance。


  Finding work life balance begins with learning to say no. Stopdoing everything. Say no to every task that is non-essential. Theway you define your priorities is by saying yes to some things andno to others。


  That means when your daughter is anxious at bedtime because of ascary movie she saw or goes through a bout of separation anxiety atdaycare drop off, you take an extra 15 minutes to cuddle andreassure her before leaving the room. But when it's your busiesttime at work and you're asked to chaperone a field trip, inquire ifyou can help at school later in the year。


  If your boss drops a mammoth, urgent project in your lap, askwhich other tasks he'd like you to delay in order to get it done ontime. Don't pull multiple all-nighters to finish the extra work ontop of your regular job。


  And please, lower your standards so you're not killing yourselfto have a perfectly clean home, lavishly planned parties,from-scratch cookies for soccer practice or whatever else isimportant to other people and not to you. You'll never find worklife balance unless you let some things go。


  You simply cannot be everything to everybody,翻譯. It's up to you todraw the line when you see it's hurting your children or your ownpeace of mind. A good test is to ask whether the question you'rewrestling with will matter in 20 years. Generally speaking, thetime you spend with family or on genuinely career-building projectswill pass muster -- but the extra three emails you can answer at 11p.m. will fail。


