






In a small village there lived a man who was always happy, kind, and well disposed to everyone he met. People knew they could count on him, and regarded him as a great friend,中譯日.

One of the villagers was curious to know what his secret was, how could he be always so kind and helpful? How is it that he held no grudge towards anyone and was always happy?

Once, upon meeting him in the street he asked him: "Most people are selfish and unsatisfied. They do not smile as often as you do; neither are they as helpful or kind as you are. How do you explain it?"

"When you make peace with yourself, then you can be in peace with the rest of the world. If you can recognize the spirit in yourself, you can recognize the spirit in everyone, and then you find it natural to be kind and well disposed to all. If your thoughts are under your control you become strong and firm."

"But a lot of work is necessary. The work is difficult and endless. There are many walls that need to be climbed. It is not an easy task." Lamented the villager.

"Do not think about the difficulties, otherwise that's what you will see and experience. Just quieten your feelings and thoughts and try to stay in this peace. All the abilities and powers awaken spontaneously."

"Is that all?" Asked the villager.

"Try to watch your thoughts and see how they come and go. Stay in the quietness that arises. The moments of peace will be brief at first, but in time they will get longer. This peace is also strength, power, kindness, and love."

"I will try to remember your words," said the villager and continued, "There is another thing that I am curious about. You do not seem to be influenced by the environment. You have a kind word to everyone and are helpful. Yet people do not exploit your goodness, and they treat you well."

"Goodness and being kind do not necessarily point to weakness. When you are good you can also be strong. People sense your strength and do not impose on you. You then act from strength and not from weakness. Goodness can also go with power and strength, it is not a sign of weakness as some people erroneously think."

"Thank you very much for your advice", said the villager and went away happy and satisfied.


商務書里語 扳談中支羅别人的倡議句型

What do you think of it?

What's your opinion on this matter?

Please tell me frankly your opinion.


How do you see things like this,翻譯?


How did you find / like / enjoy the performance?


How do you like changing the color to light blue?

What do you say to (making) transshipment at Hong Kong?

How would you like it to be?

Do you agree to this change? I'd like to hear your opinion about it.

We are old friends. Please don't hesitate to speak out your mind.

Will you let me know your comments on our new design?

Your comments and criticisms are always welcome.

We welcome all sorts of criticism.

We'd like you to give us your suggestions.


【英語熱詞】the rich second generation 富兩代

He is the most eligible blchelor in the rich second generation.


富二代,Rich 2G,是指80年代誕死、擔噹上億產業的富家後代。富兩代有常識勝利型,也有纨绔子弟敗傢型,平庸者也佔很大年夜比例。有專傢以為富人的財產應有侷部捐献給社會而不是齐體繼續給後代,否则輕易招緻社會貧富分化减轻,晦氣於社會的穩固与經濟的開展。






To forgive may be divine, but no one ever said it was easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your grudge. But forgiveness is possible -- and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health.



"People who forgive show less depression, anger and stress and more hopefulness," says Frederic, Ph.D., author of Forgive for Good. "So it can help save on the wear and tear on our organs, reduce the wearing out of the immune system and allow people to feel more vital."

《寬恕的好处》一書的做者弗雷德裏克博士說。 “清楚寬恕的人不會覺得那麼懊喪、憤慨戰緩跟,他們总是充满渴望。所以寬恕有助於削減人體各類器平易近的耗费,降落免疫體係的颓废程度並使人精力更加充足。”


So how do you start the healing? Try following these steps:



Calm yourself. To defuse your anger, try a simple stress-management technique. "Take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, someone you love," Frederic says.



Don't wait for an apology. "Many times the person who hurt you has no intention of apologizing," Frederic says. "They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don't see things the same way. So if you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time." Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person who upset you or condoning of his or her action.



Take the control away from your offender. Mentally replaying your hurt gives power to the person who caused you pain. "Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you," Frederic says.



Try to see things from the other person's perspective. If you empathize with that person, you may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance, fear -- even love. To gain perspective, you may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view.



Recognize the benefits of forgiveness. Research has shown that people who forgive report more energy, better appetite and better sleep patterns.



Don't forget to forgive yourself. "For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge," Frederic says. "But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don't do it."






The origin of April Fool's Day



  As it was called years ago, All Fools' Day is observed in many countries around the world. The origin of April Fool's Day remains clouded in obscurity. But what is clear is that the tradition of a day devoted to foolery had ancient roots. As we look back in time, many ancient predecessors of April Fool's Day are found.

  A  French legendary  

  The most widespread theory about the origin of April Fool's Day links the Gregorian calendar reform.

  In 1582 France became the first country to switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. This meant that the beginning of the year was moved from the end of March to January 1. If someone failed to keep up with the change and continued to celebrate the New Year between March 25th and April 1st, various jokes would be played on him. This story might explain why April 1st specifically became the date of the modern holiday.

  Mythological roots

  There have been quite a few attempts to provide mythological explanations for the rise of April Fool's Day.

  One story dates back to Roman mythology, particularly the myth of Ceres (the Goddess of grain and the harvest) and Proserpina. In Roman mythology Pluto, the God of the Dead, abducted Proserpina and brought her to live with him in the underworld. Proserpina called out to her mother Ceres for help, but Ceres, who could only hear the echo of her daughter's voice, searched in vain for Proserpina. The fruitless search of Ceres for her daughter was commemmorated during the Roman festival of Cerealia and believed by some to have been the mythological antecedent of the fool's errands popular on April 1st.

  British folklore linked April Fool's Day to the town of Gotham. According to the legend, it was traditional in the 13th century for any road that the King travelled over to become public property. People in Gotham didn't want to lose their main road and spread a false story to stop the King. A messenger was sent to Gotham after King John learned the people's trick. But when the messenger arrived in Gotham he found the town was full of lunatics who were engaged in foolish activities such as drowning fish or attempting to cage birds in roofless fences. The King fell for the hoax and declared the town too foolish to warrant punishment. And ever since then, April Fool's Day has supposedly commemmorated their trickery.

  Anthropological explanations

  Anthropologists and cultural historians provide their own explanations for the rise of April Fool's Day. According to them, the celebration traces its roots back to festivals marking the Springtime.

  Spring is the time of year when the weather becomes fickle, as if Nature is playing tricks on man, and festivals occurring during the Spring traditionally mirrored this sense of whimsy and surprise,中文翻譯日文. They often involved temporary inversions of the social order. Normal behavior no longer governed during the brief moment of transition as the old world died and the new cycle of seasons was born. Practical jokes,trickery,日翻中, and the turning upside down of status expectations were all allowed.

  In addition,the linkage between April Foolery and the Springtime is seen in another story that traces the origin of the custom back to the abundance of fish to be found in French streams during early April when the young fish had just hatched. These young fish were easy to fool with a hook and lure. Therefore, the French called them 'Poisson d'Avril' or 'April Fish.' Soon it became customary to fool people on April 1, as a way of celebrating the abundance of foolish fish.


  observe : celebrate(慶賀)

  Gregorian calendar: 格裏下裏歷法,即現行的陽歷,公歷,由教皇格列下利十三世於1582年倡导應用,為朱利安歷法的改进版

  Ceres: 穀類女神,犹如希臘神化中的Demeter,主持農業,富饶女神

  Proserpina: 普羅塞耳皮娜,富饒女神的女女,後被Pluto誘拐成為天堂的女神

  Pluto: 普羅托,羅馬神話的冥神


  fool's errands : fruitless mission or undertaking(徒勞無用的事件)

  Gotham: 哥譚鎮, 英國傳說中的愚人村, 同時也是紐約的別號

  lunatics: 笨瓜,瘋子

  fall for: 愛好,愛上

  too foolish to warrant punishment: 由於村莊裏的人很愚笨,所以能夠獲得赦免

  fickle: capricious(出尒反尒)



 本國人對狗的破場戰中國人紛歧樣的。如: sick as a dog,這裏的dog帶有很不倖,病怏怏的意思。而不侮辱的意思。就是讲你病得很兇猛,看起來很虚弱。类似的帶有dog的短語还有很多。

  1. dog-eat-dog



  eg: We’re operating in a dog-eat-dog world。偺們在一個競爭殘暴的世界裏運營著。

  2. work like a dog


  3. dog-tired  adj。


  4. sick as a dog

  英語中dog一詞有時露有貶義,比喻俚語going to the dogs,表現“蹩腳透頂”;dog in themanger,表示“犬佔馬槽,損人利己”。

  對狗有所理解的人皆曉得,狗很貪吃,並且经常治吃貨色。噹吃下来的食物招緻身体不噹令,狗的反应又经常比儗剧烈,因此人們便用sickas a dog來描寫病得很严重的模樣。

  5. Every dog has its day,翻譯



  6. You can never teach an old dog new tricks。



  7. a junkyard dog


  8. one’s bark is worse than one’s bite


  eg: My boss is actually a good guy. His bark is worse than hisbite. 我老板實際上是個好人,他呀,刀子嘴荳腐旧道熱腸。

  9,翻譯. be in the doghouse


  10. Let sleeping dogs lie。




  如:When you see her , please tell her I will come back soon。(對)
  When you will see her , please tell her I will come back soon. (錯)
  See sb off (此處off本意有"分開"的寄義,那麼看某人分開,不就是支行嘛)还有
  See through  (through 穿過,經由過程的意義,能看的由表及裏,就是表現看穿和識破了)
  然则,象 see about 能夠就稍微難明白一些,意义為打點和安排等。
  聯合教員的講授跟書本的內容,本人分類:1、做名詞2、做描写詞 3、不合種別應用上的基礎差別等。如許一往,本來分類的講授,也就是縱向的比儗,釀成了橫揹的結开,相稱於進修了兩次但思想在擴大。



Everyone tells a white lie on occasion, it’s just a question of why. Some white lies save relationships, some ease a hectic situation, and others buy us time. We all do it, so there is no reason to deny it. As long as we aren’t hurting others or breaking the law, these innocent lies can make life more pleasant. Most of these white lies only stretch aninterpretation of what the truth actually is anyways. Here’s a list of the 10most common white lies and why we tell them:


1.It wasn’t me! – Because some things just aren’t worth taking credit for.

謊言1:不是我! 說謊缘由:有些事务不值得我們來邀功。


2.Yeah, I’ll start working on that ASAP! – Because telling you I have 10 things to do first would just irritate you.

謊言2:好的,我會儘快動工的! 說謊原因:如果我報告你正在做你請供的這件事之前,我還有10件事要做的話,你確定會抓狂的。


3.Oh, yeah. That makes sense. – Because option B involves admitting that I am clueless.



4.Thank you so much! I just love it! – Because telling someone that their gift sucked would make me look like an insensitive jerk.



5.ah, you look great in that dress. – Because it’s better than being slapped.



6.I’m 29. – Because 29 is like 20 years younger than 30.



7.Yes, John was with me last night. – Because that’s what friends do… we agree and ask questions later.



8.My resume is 5 pages long for a good reason. – Because I’m darn good at bullshittin’!



9.Yeah, I was a badass on my high school football team! – Because I want to be seen by others in an even stronger light than I see myself.



10.I thought I already sent that email out. I’m sure I did. – Because telling you that it was a low priority and I forgot would probably hurt our relationship.
