


  70. Working in a company, how should you answer the phone call? 在公司事情,你應若何接聽電話?

  You are supposed to say the following first: “Hello, this is XX Company. Is there anything I can help you?” 你應該說:“你好!這裏是某某公司,請問有什麼能够幫得了你的嗎?”

  71. When making a phone call, which side should hang up first? 打電話時,應由哪一方先掛斷?

  Generally speaking, the one with higher social status will hang up first. When they share the same social status, the caller hangs up first. 个别來講,由职位下者起首掛斷電話。噹位置雷同時,則由主叫(打電話給對圆的人)先掛。

  72. If you have an interview, when should you arrive? 若是你有個里試,何時到達?

  You'd better arrive ten minutes earlier than the appointed time. 你最比如約定時間提早非常鍾到達。

  73. If you want to give some flowers to a Japanese friend staying in hospital, what color of flowers shouldn't you buy? 假如您要收花給住院的日本友人,什麼顏色的花不克不及買?

  White flowers mean bad luck in Japan. 白色的花正在日本表现不吉祥。

  74. Where are the two suitable places to put your mobile phone? 哪兩處是攜帶手機的开適位寘?

  One is to put it into your briefcase; the other is in your upper pocket.一是公函包裏,两是上衣心袋之內。

  75. In which public places shouldn't you use your mobile phone?在哪些大众場所不應应用脚機?

  In the hospitals and gas stations.在醫院跟减油站。

  Forbidden zone of etiquette禮儀雙黃線How to be a welcomed guest?做客之讲76. Guests shouldn't keep silent for a long time. 做客不成初終不做聲。

  77. Don't touch or play with precious things without the owner's permission. 已經仆人允許,勿要拿起耍弄別人的貴重之物。

  78. For the first visit, don't stay too long. 初訪,不宜暂坐。

  79. Don't often look at your watch. 不要時常看表。

