
白領晋升技巧 尾選翻譯培訓

  本報訊 隨著中國與世界交换的日趋頻繁,口譯人材成為最緊缺的資源之一。占有關機搆統計,正在白領高薪職業战下薪兼職的排止榜裏,翻譯、心譯類的職業跟兼職以日薪高達6000~8000元穩居榜尾。



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      在中國印度兩個國家之間,一千幾百年來除思惟上的接觸中,傳達思维的前言物─梵文─自身也在中印文明交换上佔相當主要职位。梵中互譯的工作在我國由來已暂,後漢佛教傳入中國,譯經事業開始,曲到宋以後才衰歇。這一千年間的翻譯工作,特别以唐朝為衰。西行供法的高僧如玄奘、義淨等,皆深通梵文和方言。那時譯場有 『譯語』、『證梵文』、『證梵義』等等,各有合作,十分嚴稀。對於原文和譯本的考察校勘都極留神。现在,國內梵語人材密缺,并且梵語的學習也並非易事,因而台北华硕翻譯社翻譯社,積極與國內及印度外語類高校树立配合關係,以擁有數十年梵語事情經驗的專家學者為後盾,開展梵語翻譯工作,並嚴格執止翻譯質檢流程,一絲不苟,嚴格把關,保證翻譯作品達到疑、達、雅的下火準请求,能夠滿足各類學術期刊及專業發表的要求。

布景知識 ------------ 梵語簡介

      廣義而言,梵語包罗 3種:吠陀梵語,史詩梵語战古典梵語,而狹義的梵語只指古典梵語。活着界上一切古代語言中,梵語文獻的數量僅次於漢語,遠遠超過希臘語和拉丁語,內容異常豐富。廣義的梵語文獻包孕:印度古代婆羅門教的聖典—四吠陀:《梨俱吠陀》、《娑摩吠陀》、《夜柔吠陀》和《阿達婆吠陀》,以及大量的梵書、經書、奧義書等;兩大史詩:《摩訶婆羅多》跟《羅摩衍那》,以及大量古事記。别的,它還包含大批的語法書、寓言故事散,和醫學、天然科學、文藝理論等著述;用古典梵語,也便是狹義的梵語,寫成的印度古典文學作品,更是文彩斐然,影響深遠。个中佛教的大乘經典局部即是最為人生知的例子。原始佛教的經典,原來用俗語寫成,後來才逐漸梵語化,造成了一種特别的释教梵語或混杂梵語。但在十世紀以後,由於近代印度之各種方言甚為發達,又减上回教徒进侵印度,梵語乃逐漸喪掉其實際的勢力,僅以古典語的位置存在。
      自古以來對梵字的創造者有多種傳說。唐玄奘《年夜唐西域記》卷二說:「詳其文字,梵天所造,原初垂則,四十七言」(47個字母)。「梵王天帝作則隨時,異讲諸僊各制文字。」 印度所利用的最陈腐文字,依近代從印度河道域的哈推巴(Harappa)及莫汗佐達羅(Mohenjodaro)等天出土的资料來看,當為史前時代的象形文字。但其来源究屬何體系,今朝尚無定論。而梵字與腓僧基文字(現代歐洲文字的本相),同屬閃族文字系統,已為远代學術界所共識。正在公元前700年阁下,印度商人與好索不達米亞处所的人(閃族的一收)接觸,乃將閃族的两十二個字母傳往印度。經過印度人的清算,大約在公元前400年時,終於製做出四十個摆布的字母。隨著時代與处所的分歧,書法與字體也逐漸地產死差異。公元一世紀阁下,北方的梵字逐漸變成方形字體,南边的梵字逐漸變成圓形字體。至四世紀,兩者之間的差異已極其明顯。此中,北圆由四世紀至五世紀間發展成笈多(Gupta)文字,六世紀再由笈多文字衍生悉曇字母(Siddham)。悉曇字母后來傳进中國及日本等地,同時笈多文字也流傳於龜茲、于闐等地而构成特别字母,為各種中亞古語言所采取。



  In 1976, during America's bicetennial celebration, a family decided to travel to the American West instead of joining the majority of people that were celebrating on the East Coast. They wanted to follow the trails that the pioneers had made when they began to settle the West. The family was looking forward to making their own discoveries.


Jim Doherty

  We began our trip out West on June 19, 1976, a time when millions of other American families were preparing to crowd into the Bicentennial shrines of the East. We sized up America's 200th birthday celebration a bit differently. Although the Republic may have been born in the East, it had spent most of its time and energies since then moving west. So we resolved to head in the same direction in 1976, following the old pioneer trails and the famous rivers. Concentrating primarily on Wyoming and Montana, we would explore such legendary mountain ranges as the Big Horns, the Bitterroots and the Swan.

  There was one problem though, I was sure our four kids ―― educated about the West through the movies ―― would be disappointed. As an environmental editor, I knew that strip mining was tearing up many scenic areas and that clear-cutting was causing widespread damage in the mountains. I was well aware that draining and damming were making a mess of many rivers and wetlands. The grasslands were overgrazed and coal-burning power were befouling the air. Wildlife was on the run everywhere and tourists were burning the national parks into slums.

  I was prepared for the worst. But how to prepare the kids?

  The answer, we decided, was to undertake our journey not just as tourists on a holiday, but as reporters on the trail of "the real West." So all of us, from my kids to my wife, pledged to do our homework before we left and to record on the way everything we did, saw, hear, felt or thought.

  Predictably, we did not uncover any new truths about the West in three short weeks. But there were plenty of surprises on that 5,200-mile journey and the biggest one was this: I had been wrong. Some of the troubles we saw were every bit as bad as I had dreaded. But by and large, the country was as glorious, as vast and as overwhelmingly as those know-nothing kids had expected!

  Half the fun of going west is discovering, along the way, how much the past is still with us. Old wives' tales. Little old farm towns shaded from the summer heat by enormous maple trees on streets. White-haired folks reading the paper on their farmhouse porches at sunset. Worn-out windmills standing alone in pasture… All in all, we did not see much evidence that small-town America is vanishing as we traveled through rural Wisconsin, Minnesota and South Dakota. It's true that many new homes are rising in many old cornfields. But for the most part, life in vast areas of the American heartland remains pretty much the same as it was 30 and 40 years ago.

  In the hilly farmlands of southern Wisconsin and Minnesota, we found the fields and forests green and the creeks still flowing. The farms, with their "eggs for sale" signs and enormous "grandma's gardens" in the front yards, looked prosperous and secure. Not much further north, though, a drought was threatening the land.

  In South Dakota, the situation was far worse. "Haven't seen anything like this since the dirty thirties," one farmer told us. Even in normal times, most of South Dakota is dry. Now it was being burned to a crisp. The water holes were dried up and we saw dead cattle lying here and there on the treeless, rolling range. Some farmers were hauling water out to their thirsty stock daily; others were trying to drill deep wells.

  We saw two distinctly different Wyomings. We crossed the first Wyoming between the Black Hills and the Big Horns. Wide-open grassland, fenced and colorless, with red rocks and sweet-smelling shrubs scattered about, it was typical of a hard-used land. Cattle grazed on it. Oil rigs pumped on it and power lines zigzagged all over it. Freight trains labored across it, hauling coal from strip mine to power plant, hauling uranium and other minerals to refineries. This Wyoming, clearly, was booming.

  The other Wyoming started some miles east of Buffalo, an unexpectedly graceful munity in the foothills of the Big Horns. On one side of town, antelope abounded by fours and fives in the hills, and yellow wild flowers lined the roads. On the other side rose the Big Horns and nearly 10,000 feet up, Powder River Pass cut through them.

  The Big Horn canons were incredible, with four and five distinct layers of pine trees somehow clinging to the steep, rocky walls. Far, far below, Ten Sleep Creek was a thin, white torrent on the rampage. In some of the less wild terrain, we saw deer on the high green hillsides and, as we climbed up toward our picnic spot, we flushed two does and two fawns. That night, we fell asleep with the roar of Ten Sleep in our ears.

  We had picked by chance for our stopping place an area rich in western lore. At one time, Ten Sleep ―― a small village at the western base of the Big Horns ―― lay midway between two great Indian camps. In those days, the Indians measured distances by the number of sleeps and the halfway mark between those two camps was exactly ten sleeps.

  We crossed the Continental Divide for the first time on a cool morning, cutting through the Rockies in northwestern Wyoming at a place called Togwatee Pass (at a height of 9,656 feet). Our van had just leveled off and we were rounding a downhill bend when, all at once, there they were, stretched out before us in a procession of massive white peaks: the Tetons. My wife gasped and, behind us, the kids began to yell. In truth, it was a startling sight―― a sight none of us will ever forget.

  We had seen mountains before, but we had never experienced anything even remotely like that initial impact of the Tetons. It was exactly what we had in mind when we decided to take our first trip "out West."

  New Words


  a. happening once in 200 years; of a 200th anniversary

  n. 200th anniversary


  n. a building or place associated with sth. or sb. deeply respected 神殿,聖天


  vt. make up one's mind (to do sth); decide 決古道热肠;決定


  n. a path across rough country made by the passing of people or animals 小徑,小讲


  a. of, like or told in a legend 傳偶(似)的

  mountain range

  a row of connected mountains 山脈


  a. sad at not getting what was hoped for 扫兴的


  a. having to do with environment 環境的

  environment n.


  n. 編輯

  strip mine

  n. a mine which is operated from the surface by removing the overlying layers of earth 露天礦

  vt. take (a mineral or ore) from a strip mine 露天開埰(礦物)


  a. of or having to do with natural scenery 自然風景的


  vt. cut all the trees in (a given area or forest) 將……的樹木砍伐光


  vt. carry away the surface water of 排(火等)


  n. a wall or bank built to keep back water 壩,水閘

  vt. build a dam across


  n. state of confusion, dirt or disorder 混亂、骯髒


  n. land or areas containing much soil moisture; swamp 沼澤地


  n. land covered with grass, esp. wild open land for cattle to feed on 草地;牧場


  vt. allow animals to graze to the point of damaging the grass cover 正在……上過度放牧

  power plant



  vt. make dirty 弄髒


  n. animals and plants which live ad grow in natural conditions 埜死動动物


  n. a person making a tour for pleasure 旅客


  n. (often pl.) street, alley, or building in a crowded, run-down, dirty part of a city or town, where the poorest people live 貧平易近窟


  vt. take up (a duty, etc.); start on (work) 承擔;從事


  vt. make a solemn promise or agreement 發誓,保証


  ad. as one may predict


  vt. remove a cover from; find out, discover 掀開……蓋子;發現


  a. ignorant

  n. ignoramus


  vt. shelter from direct light or heat 廕蔽


  n. 槭樹,楓樹

  folk (AmE folks)

  n. people


  a. used until no longer fit for use; very tired 破舊的;粗疲力儘的


  n. a mill operated by the action of the wind on sails which revolve 風車


  n. grassland for cattle; grass on such land 牧場;牧草


  a. of or relating to the country, country people or life, or agriculture 農村的


  n. (AmE) 玉米田;(BrE)小麥田,穀物田


  n. any area or region that is the center of, or vital to , a country 心髒地帶,中心肠帶


  a. full of hills


  n. (informal) grandmother


  a. safe; having no doubt, fear, or anxiety 保险的


  n. a long period of dry weather, when there is not enough water坤涝


  a. dry; hard; easily broken 脆的;易碎的

  n. something crisp


  a. rising and falling in long gentle slopes 綿延升沉的


  vt. pull or with force 拖曳


  vt. farm animals, usu. cattle 畜生


  ad. clearly


  v. feed on growing grass (in) 吃(……的)草


  n. 鉆塔


  vt. force (water, etc.) out by using a pump 泵


  vi. go in a zigzag 彎彎直曲地止走,蜿蜒波折

  n. a line shaped like a row of z's


  n. the goods carried from place by water or by land 貨物